We have just received an inquiry from a Casting Director with Strickman-Ripps, Inc.
They are casting a TV commercial that will feature a female entrepreneur, her small side business and product! Specifically, the person must have some type of full or part-time job she works currently until she is able to leave to pursue her flourishing business full-time.
Ideal candidates would be women who create, design and sell something tangible and fun (unique crafting, baking, puppet making, fun decor, kid’s toys etc.)
This is an exciting project because it is a huge promotional opportunity for whoever is cast! If you are chosen, please let us know and we’ll feature you on our website, as well.
In order to be considered for this casting commercial, all someone need do is fill out this secure form. http://form.jotform.co/form/33155198294865
In the Where did you hear about this opportunity? field, please type CRAFTSYBLE. Good luck, everyone!